
Lawsuits & Trials

Our lawyers have experience with a wide variety of lawsuits and trial issues. We will negotiate where possible and fight when necessary. No matter what, we always provide tough and aggressive representation. Here are some example of legal claims:

Breach of Contract

Relying on others to honor their word is a key part of doing business. When someone does not live up to their obligations, it almost always costs you money, time and energy. Some contracts are written and other are verbal. Even if you do not have anything in writing, we still may be able to help you.


Negligence is when you are harmed by someone being careless or not doing something in a reasonable manner. Negligence can be applied to construction, and other issues.

Intentional Torts

An intentional tort is when someone intentionally injures you, steals your money or property, or causes severe emotional suffering. If any of these things happen to you, you could have legal rights allowing for compensation. 

Fraud & Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices

Fraud and Unfair and Deceptive trade practices are similar legal claims that both involve the wrongful deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. In some instances, a person seeking relief can recover treble damages. If you believe that someone has committed fraud or Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices, or if someone has accused you of either, we can help protect your rights.

Call or e-mail Vector Law Group to set up a consultation to analyze your legal rights. The first call is always free!

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